
Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior. Sociologists investigate the structure of groups, organizations, and societies, and how people interact within these contexts. Since all human behavior is social, the subject matter of sociology ranges from the intimate family to the hostile mob; from organized crime to religious cults; from the divisions of race, gender and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture; and from the sociology of work to the sociology of sports. In fact, few fields have such broad scope and relevance for research, theory, and application of knowledge.

علم الاجتماع

The Arab Muslim Scholar ibn Khaldun is considered the first to set the foundations of sociology, and after Ibn Khaldun, sociology was taught in the late nineteenth century in American universities, and after that moved to be taught in other universities. We seldom see a university that does not offer a Sociology major because of the importance of this science in life.

Sociology is distinguished by the fact that, in addition to the various social sciences, it includes other sciences such as Politics, Economics, Anthropology and Psychology.


The difference between Sociology and Social Work:

On the surface, social work and sociology appear to be interchangeable fields. While comparing social work vs. sociology does reveal similarities between professions, they are nevertheless distinct fields. Social work is an advocacy-driven field designed to connect individuals or groups of people with the resources they need to solve or address problems in their lives While Sociology is a theory-driven social science specializing in the study of social behaviors and interactions among people, groups, and societies. Sociologists collect, research, and analyze data within social concepts such as class, gender, or income to identify and examine patterns of human behavior.


Duration of study:

Students majoring in Sociology study for four years in various international universities, of which Turkish universities are considered one of them.


Importance of Sociology:

When Ibn Khaldun laid the first foundations for sociology, he drew attention to the importance of this new science in the life of mankind. Here we quote some of what he said in his book (Introduction): “I know that words in this field are strange and extremely useful.”

Sociology studies and research bear fruit in the short and long term, and direct society towards the right direction to reach a problem-free society.

The diversity of Sociology majors made sociologists perform a lot of work in various human sectors such as social development, public relations, civil services, education, health, industry and security, etc.

We find that most universities in various countries of the world offer this major due to the prominent importance of this science, and the desire of ambitious young people with passion and love of knowledge in social knowledge to study this major.


Sociology Curriculum:

The fields of sociology and other sciences related to social life are considered the main focus of the study program for the sociology major, and here is a model for a study program from Altınbaş University:

  • First year: Introduction to Social Sciences – Mathematics for Social Sciences – Introduction to Political Science – Introduction to Psychology – Introduction to Sociology – History of Civilization – Introduction to Psychology 2 – Introduction to Sociology 2 – Social Anthropology.
  • Second year: Social Responsibility Project – Social Psychology – Research Methods in Social Sciences – Sociology and Daily Life – Social Change and Development – Basic Principles of Economics – Popular Psychology – Sociology and Popular Culture – Family Sociology.
  • Third year: Quantitative methods in Social Sciences – Social Thought in Turkey – Social Stratification and Inequality – Ethics in Social Sciences – Data Analysis – Organizational Sociology and Work (A Set of Optional Subjects).
  • Fourth Year: Globalization of Culture and Communication – Identity and Culture – Demography and Residential Studies – (A Set of Optional Subjects).


Career Fields:

Sociology graduates are able to perform many jobs in various institutions, including but not limited to:

  • Social Institutions such as Orphanages and Charity Associations.
  • Social Research Centers.
  • Education Sector.
  • Population Planning and Statistics Centers.

Sociology is distinguished as one of the broad university disciplines that offers in its core program, in addition to the various social sciences, courses of diverse and comprehensive sciences related to human societies such as politics, economics, anthropology and psychology.

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